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Study Uncovers Potent Immunotherapy Approach to Ovarian Cancer Treatment
Immune therapies declare open season on cancer, rousing immune system cells to take up an attack on tumors. But which immune cells join the hunt, which sit it out, and what happens within immune cells that causes them to go on the offensive?New Targeted Agent Achieves Impressive Response Rate in Trial with Patients with Uterine Serous Carcinoma
In its first clinical trial in patients with a hard-to-treat form of uterine cancer, a targeted drug that subjects tumor cells to staggering levels of DNA damage caused tumors to shrink in nearly one-third of patients, investigators at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute reported.Break Through Cancer Launches Collaborative Model Across Top U.S. Research Institutions in Pursuit of Cancer Cures
Break Through Cancer today announced its formal launch as a public foundation designed to find new solutions to the most intractable challenges in cancer.