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Early Action, Better Outcomes: Transforming Cancer Prevention News

Early Action, Better Outcomes: Transforming Cancer Prevention

For more than 100 years, health advocates have spread the message that, with cancer, patience is not a virtue.
Specially Equipped Natural Killer Cells Show Effectiveness Against the Most Common Form of Ovarian Cancer News

Specially Equipped Natural Killer Cells Show Effectiveness Against the Most Common Form of Ovarian Cancer

CAR memory-like NK cells targeting the membrane proximal domain of mesothelin demonstrate promising activity in ovarian cancer
Finding New Vulnerabilities in Uterine and Ovarian Cancers News

Finding New Vulnerabilities in Uterine and Ovarian Cancers

Just like humans, cells get stressed, too — especially cancer cells. For decades, Dana-Farber researchers have been characterizing a complex molecular condition in cancer cells known as DNA replication stress.
New $15 Million Grant to Dana-Farber Scientists Supports Research into Innovative Approaches to Endometrial Cancer Treatment News

New $15 Million Grant to Dana-Farber Scientists Supports Research into Innovative Approaches to Endometrial Cancer Treatment

Physician-scientists at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have received a five-year, $15 million Program Project Grant from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) for research in endometrial cancer, which arises in the inner lining of the uterus and strikes more than 68,000 women a year in the U.S.
Antibody-Drug Conjugates: A Cancer Therapy Revolution News

Antibody-Drug Conjugates: A Cancer Therapy Revolution

Dana-Farber researchers explore how a novel therapy may benefit patients
New Study Suggests Simple Test Could Detect Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk Without Genetic Sequencing News

New Study Suggests Simple Test Could Detect Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk Without Genetic Sequencing

Researchers from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Medical University of Lodz have found a way to detect increased cancer risk associated with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations without genetic sequencing, according to a new study in Nature Communications.
Institute Research Shines at Society of Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting News

Institute Research Shines at Society of Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting

Researchers in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology reported results from an array of clinical trials, gave an overview of trials currently under way, and presented promising findings from the lab.
Seeking Signs of Synergy: The Origins of PARP and PI3K Inhibitors News

Seeking Signs of Synergy: The Origins of PARP and PI3K Inhibitors

Pairing multiple drugs together to synergistically destroy a patient's tumor has become a common approach to cancer treatment
Therapy for Small, HER2-positive Breast Tumors Continues to Be Highly Effective After 10 Years, Study Finds News

Therapy for Small, HER2-positive Breast Tumors Continues to Be Highly Effective After 10 Years, Study Finds

Follow-up results of a clinical trial that defined the standard treatment for patients with small, HER2-positive breast cancer that hasn't spread to the lymph nodes reinforce the long-term effectiveness of the therapy.
Dana-Farber Research Supports FDA Approval of New Therapy for Certain Patients with Ovarian Cancer News

Dana-Farber Research Supports FDA Approval of New Therapy for Certain Patients with Ovarian Cancer

A novel antibody drug conjugate therapy whose clinical trial testing has been co-led by Ursula Matulonis, MD, of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute has been granted accelerated approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on November 14 for the treatment of recurrent platinum-resistant high-grade serous ovarian cancer that highly expresses folate receptor alpha.
Advancing New Treatments for Uncommon Cancer Subtypes News

Advancing New Treatments for Uncommon Cancer Subtypes

The biology of rare cancers is poorly understood in part because the tumors are uncommon, which makes them challenging to study. Clinical trials examining rare cancers are difficult.
Combination Therapy Produces Encouraging Results in Patients with Gynecologic Cancers with Distinct Genetic Mutations News

Combination Therapy Produces Encouraging Results in Patients with Gynecologic Cancers with Distinct Genetic Mutations

A two-drug therapy that sets certain cancer cells up for failure and then finishes them off showed encouraging activity in a clinical trial of patients with gynecologic cancers that harbor mutations in a key gene, Dana-Farber investigators reported at the Society for Gynecologic Oncology (SGO) Annual Meeting in March.

Showing 1 - 12 of 24 results

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