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Immunotherapy Combination Improves Outcomes in Advanced Kidney Cancer News

Immunotherapy Combination Improves Outcomes in Advanced Kidney Cancer

An immunotherapy agent combined with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor drug significantly improved progression-free survival and reduced the risk of death compared to a single agent treatment in advanced kidney cancer patients.
Break Through Cancer Launches Collaborative Model Across Top U.S. Research Institutions in Pursuit of Cancer Cures News

Break Through Cancer Launches Collaborative Model Across Top U.S. Research Institutions in Pursuit of Cancer Cures

Break Through Cancer today announced its formal launch as a public foundation designed to find new solutions to the most intractable challenges in cancer.
CAR T-Cell Therapy Generates Lasting Remissions in Patients with Multiple Myeloma News

CAR T-Cell Therapy Generates Lasting Remissions in Patients with Multiple Myeloma

In a major advance in the treatment of multiple myeloma, a CAR T-cell therapy has generated deep, sustained remissions in patients who had relapsed from several previous therapies, an international clinical trial has found.
New Immunotherapy Target Discovered for Malignant Brain Tumors News

New Immunotherapy Target Discovered for Malignant Brain Tumors

Scientists say they have discovered a potential new target for immunotherapy of malignant brain tumors, which so far have resisted the ground-breaking cancer treatment based on harnessing the body’s immune system.
Immunotherapy – Targeted Drug Combination Improves Survival in Advanced Kidney Cancer News

Immunotherapy – Targeted Drug Combination Improves Survival in Advanced Kidney Cancer

Patients with advanced kidney cancer, who received a targeted drug combined with a checkpoint-blocker immunotherapy agent have longer survival than patients treated with the standard targeted drug.
Targeted Therapy for Children with Leukemia Can Provide Substantial Benefit, Study Finds News

Targeted Therapy for Children with Leukemia Can Provide Substantial Benefit, Study Finds

Testing tumor tissue for genetic alterations that can be targeted by drugs, a mainstay of treatment in a variety of cancers, can benefit many children with leukemia, investigators at Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center report in a new study. In some cases, such therapy can be lifesaving.
An Advanced Approach for Treating Localized Prostate Cancer News

An Advanced Approach for Treating Localized Prostate Cancer

For many men diagnosed with early-stage, localized prostate cancer, external-beam radiation therapy offers the best chance of a cure.
First Mammography Screening Guidelines Issued for Older Survivors of Breast Cancer News

First Mammography Screening Guidelines Issued for Older Survivors of Breast Cancer

A nationwide panel of experts has developed the first mammography guidelines for older survivors of breast cancer, providing a framework for discussions between survivors and their physicians on the pros and cons of screening in survivors’ later years.
Dana-Farber Research Supports FDA Approval for Immunotherapy Combination in Advanced Kidney Cancer News

Dana-Farber Research Supports FDA Approval for Immunotherapy Combination in Advanced Kidney Cancer

An immunotherapy agent combined with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor drug whose clinical testing as a first-line treatment in advanced kidney cancer was led by Toni K. Choueiri, MD, Director of the Lank Center for Genitourinary Oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, has become a standard therapy.
Personalized Vaccine Produces Long-Lasting Anti-Tumor Response in Patients with Melanoma, Study Shows News

Personalized Vaccine Produces Long-Lasting Anti-Tumor Response in Patients with Melanoma, Study Shows

Four years after patients with melanoma were treated with a personalized cancer vaccine, the immune response kindled by the vaccine remains robust and effective in keeping cancer cells under control, researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard report in a new study.
Study Shows Sharp Decline in Cancer Screenings and Diagnoses During the First Covid-19 Surge News

Study Shows Sharp Decline in Cancer Screenings and Diagnoses During the First Covid-19 Surge

In one of the first studies to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer diagnoses, researchers at Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center document a substantial decline in cancer and precancer diagnoses at the Northeast’s largest health care system during the first peak of the pandemic because of a drop in the number of cancer screening tests performed.
Eric P. Winer Elected ASCO President for Term Starting in June 2022 News

Eric P. Winer Elected ASCO President for Term Starting in June 2022

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) has elected Eric P. Winer, MD, to serve as its President for the term beginning in June 2022. He will take office as President-Elect during the ASCO Annual Meeting in June 2021. Winer is the chief clinical development officer, senior vice president for medical affairs, chief of the Division of Breast Oncology, and the Thompson Chair in Breast Cancer Research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. He is also a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.

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