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Dana-Farber Research News 9.15.2024 News

Dana-Farber Research News 9.15.2024

This twice-monthly newsletter highlights recently published research where Dana-Farber faculty are listed as first or senior authors. The information is pulled from PubMed and this issue notes papers published from August 16 through August 31.
High-Dose Vitamin D3 Does Not Provide Benefit for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer News

High-Dose Vitamin D3 Does Not Provide Benefit for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

SOLARIS (Alliance A021703): A multicenter double-blind phase III randomized clinical trial of vitamin D combined with standard chemotherapy plus bevacizumab in patients with previously untreated metastatic colorectal cancer.
Breast Cancer Research: New Studies Show How Post-Treatment Lifestyle Choices Shape Long-Term Outcomes After Diagnosis News

Breast Cancer Research: New Studies Show How Post-Treatment Lifestyle Choices Shape Long-Term Outcomes After Diagnosis

Three studies led by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute researchers have encouraging implications for patients with breast cancer.
Repeat Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy Not Recommended for Advanced Kidney Cancer News

Repeat Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy Not Recommended for Advanced Kidney Cancer

Tivozanib Plus Nivolumab vs Tivozanib Monotherapy in Patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma Following an Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor – Results of the Phase 3 TiNivo-2 Study
ESMO Congress 2024 Symposium

ESMO Congress 2024

Review presentation schedules, news releases, research summaries presented by Dana-Farber physician-scientists at ESMO Congress 2024 in Barcelona, Spain from September 13 - September 17.
Comprehensive Cancer Research from Dana-Farber Leads ESMO Congress 2024 News

Comprehensive Cancer Research from Dana-Farber Leads ESMO Congress 2024

Innovations in breast cancer, targeted therapies, antibody drug conjugates, and kidney cancer
Ann Partridge Receives 2024 ESMO Award for Significant Contributions to Breast Cancer Research and Patient Care News

Ann Partridge Receives 2024 ESMO Award for Significant Contributions to Breast Cancer Research and Patient Care

The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) recognized Ann Partridge, MD, MPH, of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, as a recipient of the 2024 ESMO Award: Addressing the Unintended Consequences of Cancer Care.
Adolescent Glioma Subtype Responds to CDK4/6 Inhibitor News

Adolescent Glioma Subtype Responds to CDK4/6 Inhibitor

CDK4/6 inhibitors, which are already FDA approved for the treatment of other forms of cancer, show early signs of promise in the treatment of a subtype of pediatric high-grade glioma, according to new research from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Institute of Cancer Research in London.
Dana-Farber President and CEO Laurie Glimcher, MD, Announces Her Plans to Step Down Capping a Highly Successful Tenure Marked with Discovery and Innovation News

Dana-Farber President and CEO Laurie Glimcher, MD, Announces Her Plans to Step Down Capping a Highly Successful Tenure Marked with Discovery and Innovation

Acclaimed medical oncologist and researcher Benjamin Ebert, MD, PhD, appointed to lead the world-renowned cancer center
Dana-Farber Research News 9.01.2024 News

Dana-Farber Research News 9.01.2024

This twice-monthly newsletter highlights recently published research where Dana-Farber faculty are listed as first or senior authors. The information is pulled from PubMed and this issue notes papers published from August 1 through August 15.
Early Action, Better Outcomes: Transforming Cancer Prevention News

Early Action, Better Outcomes: Transforming Cancer Prevention

For more than 100 years, health advocates have spread the message that, with cancer, patience is not a virtue.
Dana-Farber Research Publication 8.15.2024 News

Dana-Farber Research Publication 8.15.2024

This twice-monthly newsletter highlights recently published research where Dana-Farber faculty are listed as first or senior authors. The information is pulled from PubMed and this issue notes papers published from July 16 through July 31.

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