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Finding New Vulnerabilities in Uterine and Ovarian Cancers News

Finding New Vulnerabilities in Uterine and Ovarian Cancers

Just like humans, cells get stressed, too — especially cancer cells. For decades, Dana-Farber researchers have been characterizing a complex molecular condition in cancer cells known as DNA replication stress.
Antibody-Drug Conjugate Highly Effective in Preventing Recurrence in Patients with Early Stage HER2+ Breast Cancer, Trial Finds News

Antibody-Drug Conjugate Highly Effective in Preventing Recurrence in Patients with Early Stage HER2+ Breast Cancer, Trial Finds

A year of treatment with a medicine made of an antibody and chemotherapy drug has proven highly effective in preventing stage 1 HER2-positive breast cancer from recurring in patients, a team led by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute researchers has found.
Disparities Research Symposium Focuses on Clinical Trials News

Disparities Research Symposium Focuses on Clinical Trials

Above all else, clinical research is about action – moving promising findings from the lab to patient care. The same can now be said about addressing disparities in clinical trial participation: that such disparities exist is well documented; the question going forward is how to reduce them. 
Patients With a History of Breast Cancer who Desire Pregnancy Document

Patients With a History of Breast Cancer who Desire Pregnancy

The Breast Oncology Center at Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center held multidisciplinary meetings to discuss recommendations for patients with a history of breast cancer who desire pregnancy.
New Guidelines for Radiation Therapy for HPV-associated Head and Neck Cancer News

New Guidelines for Radiation Therapy for HPV-associated Head and Neck Cancer

Radiation therapy for HPV-positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: An ASTRO clinical practice guideline
Anti-inflammatory Drug Celecoxib Could Reduce Risk of Colon Cancer Recurrence for a Subset of Patients News

Anti-inflammatory Drug Celecoxib Could Reduce Risk of Colon Cancer Recurrence for a Subset of Patients

Review analysis of data from a randomized clinical trial for patients with stage 3 colon cancer
Ana Garrido-Castro, MD Discusses SACI-IO HR+ Video

Ana Garrido-Castro, MD Discusses SACI-IO HR+

Antibody-drug conjugate plus a checkpoint inhibitor shows a trend toward improved survival in PD-L1-positive hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer.
Jia Luo, MD Discusses NUT Carcinoma Video

Jia Luo, MD Discusses NUT Carcinoma

NUT Carcinoma may not be as rare as one thought. Jia Luo, MD, of Dana-Farber, shares new efforts to research this type of rare cancer that can grow anywhere in the body, often in the head, neck and lungs.
Lakshmi Nayak, MD Discusses CNS Lymphoma Video

Lakshmi Nayak, MD Discusses CNS Lymphoma

CNS Lymphoma research at ASCO24: Dana-Farber's Lakshmi Nayak, MD, details findings of a pilot study showing a CAR T-cell therapy has shown promise and is safe and well-tolerated in treating patients with relapsed, treatment-resistant CNS lymphoma.
Narjust Florez, MD Discusses Young Lung Cancer Video

Narjust Florez, MD Discusses Young Lung Cancer

Lung cancer rates in younger adults are rising. Dana-Farber's Narjust Florez, MD discusses research showing that young patients with lung cancer face ample financial toxicity and issues impacting physical, emotional, and functional well-being.
Narjust Florez, MD Discusses International Medical Graduate Challenges Video

Narjust Florez, MD Discusses International Medical Graduate Challenges

1 out of 4 doctors in the United States graduated from international medical schools, yet according to a study presented at ASCO24, these doctors remain victims of discrimination at frequent rates.
Kenneth Kehl, MD, MPH Reviews Artificial Intelligence and Genomic Data Video

Kenneth Kehl, MD, MPH Reviews Artificial Intelligence and Genomic Data

Using artificial intelligence to link genomic data to clinical outcomes in cancer care across institutions without compromising protected health information is challenging.

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