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Dana-Farber Researchers Launch New Project to Investigate How Neighborhoods Contribute to Prostate Cancer Inequity News

Dana-Farber Researchers Launch New Project to Investigate How Neighborhoods Contribute to Prostate Cancer Inequity

Researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Rutgers University Cancer Institute are investigating what it is about neighborhoods that may increase a Black man’s risk of dying from prostate cancer.
FDA Approves New Treatment Option For Glioma News

FDA Approves New Treatment Option For Glioma

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s accelerated approval of a two-drug therapy for solid tumors carrying a specific mutation in the BRAF gene is a prime example of this trend. For patients with glioma brain cancer that harbors the mutation, the ruling is a landmark.
Study Shows That Genomic Tumor Profiling of Pediatric Tumors Can Enhance Clinical Care News

Study Shows That Genomic Tumor Profiling of Pediatric Tumors Can Enhance Clinical Care

Results of a study of molecular tumor profiling in young patients revealed a high rate of genetic alterations with potential for impacting clinical care, including clarifying diagnoses and treatment with matched, precision cancer drugs.
Study Finds Breast Cancers with Low Levels of HER2 Protein Are Not a Distinct Subtype of the Disease News

Study Finds Breast Cancers with Low Levels of HER2 Protein Are Not a Distinct Subtype of the Disease

When researchers discovered that breast cancers with lower levels of HER2 often respond to a trastuzumab-and-chemotherapy drug conjugate, they wondered whether such tumors represent a distinct subtype of breast cancer, with its own unique behavior and prognosis.
2022 ASCO Highlights Symposium

2022 ASCO Highlights

Review highlights of key advances in cancer research and an overview of Dana-Farber faculty presentations.
Dana-Farber/Boston Children's Again Named Top Pediatric Cancer Program News

Dana-Farber/Boston Children's Again Named Top Pediatric Cancer Program

U.S. News & World Report has named Dana-Farber/Boston Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders Center #1 in the nation in its 2022-23 Best Children's Hospitals report. Dana-Farber/Boston Children's has been recognized as one of the top three pediatric cancer centers in the country each year since the ranking's inception, earning more #1 rankings than any other program.
Marla Lipsyc-Sharf, MD on ctDNA in Breast Cancer Video

Marla Lipsyc-Sharf, MD on ctDNA in Breast Cancer

Using ctDNA found with liquid biopsy to understand recurrence risk in hormone receptor-positive breast cancer: Dana-Farber's Marla Lipsyc-Sharf MD, details research presented at #ASCO22 and published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Improved Progression-Free Survival in Patients with Multiple Myeloma Following Three-Drug Therapy with Autologous Stem Cell Transplant News

Improved Progression-Free Survival in Patients with Multiple Myeloma Following Three-Drug Therapy with Autologous Stem Cell Transplant

Patients with multiple myeloma who have been treated with a three-drug combination therapy have a growing number of choices for subsequent treatment. Results of a new study led by researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute can help patients and their physicians weigh benefits and risks of each option.
Targeted Drug Achieves 43% Response Rate in KRAS-Mutated Lung Cancer News

Targeted Drug Achieves 43% Response Rate in KRAS-Mutated Lung Cancer

Nearly 43% of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) whose lung cancers harbored a specific KRAS mutation responded to the experimental drug adagrasib, and the targeted agent also showed activity against lesions in the brain that metastasized from the lung tumors, according to results of a study led by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute investigators.
Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer Center Gut Instincts Series: Best Practices for Symptom Management Video

Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer Center Gut Instincts Series: Best Practices for Symptom Management

Dana-Farber’s Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer Center's Gut Instincts series continued on Tuesday, January 25 with an educational workshop on Best Practices for Symptom Management.
Lymphoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Updates in Management Symposium

Lymphoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Updates in Management

This course addresses the rapidly changing landscape in the management and treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Race, Ethnicity, and Poverty Linked to Worse Outcomes in Children Treated for High-Risk Neuroblastoma News

Race, Ethnicity, and Poverty Linked to Worse Outcomes in Children Treated for High-Risk Neuroblastoma

Children with high-risk neuroblastoma had worse outcomes if they were from certain racial/ethnic groups or were on public rather than private insurance, despite being treated in clinical trials with standardized protocols, according to a study led by investigators from Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center.

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