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Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Celebrates 75th Anniversary News

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Celebrates 75th Anniversary

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute launched a year-long celebration of its 75th anniversary to highlight its history and progress in cancer care and transformative cancer research. In marking the notable anniversary, Dana-Farber seeks to recognize the Institute’s many scientific discoveries, advancements in cancer care for patients, and its extraordinary contributions to eradicating cancer in both children and adults.
Ursula Matulonis, MD Shares Results of the SORAYA Study Video

Ursula Matulonis, MD Shares Results of the SORAYA Study

Ursula Matulonis, MD presented results of the SORAYA study at the 2022 Society for Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting.
Panos Konstantinopoulos, MD, PhD Shares Results of a Phase 2 Endometrial Cancer Study at 2022 SGO Video

Panos Konstantinopoulos, MD, PhD Shares Results of a Phase 2 Endometrial Cancer Study at 2022 SGO

Panos Konstantinopoulos, MD, PhD shares results of a phase 2, two-stage study of letrozole and abemaciclib in estrogen receptor (ER) positive recurrent or persistent endometrial cancer at the 2022 Society for Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting.
Lymphoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Updates in Management News

Lymphoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Updates in Management

This course will address the rapidly changing landscape in the management and treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Hodgkin Lymphoma, and chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer Center Annual Forum Research Keynote Video

Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer Center Annual Forum Research Keynote

At the Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer Center's third annual Patient and Family Forum, a Research Keynote lead by Jonathan Nowak, MD, PhD and Benjamin Schlechter, MD, discussed immunotherapy and CAR-T cell therapy in young-onset colorectal cancer.
Conjugate Therapy Produces Remissions in One-Third of Patients with Drug-Resistant Ovarian Cancer, Study Results Show News

Conjugate Therapy Produces Remissions in One-Third of Patients with Drug-Resistant Ovarian Cancer, Study Results Show

In a clinical trial involving patients with ovarian cancer previously treated with platinum-based chemotherapy, a novel “conjugate” therapy produced a substantially better response than standard treatments. Results from this study were presented by Dana-Farber's Ursula Matulonis, MD during a plenary session at the SGO 2022 Annual Meeting.
Drug Combination Shows Effectiveness in Patients with Recurrent ER-Positive Endometrial Cancer News

Drug Combination Shows Effectiveness in Patients with Recurrent ER-Positive Endometrial Cancer

A combination therapy that targets cancer cells from within and without caused tumors to shrink or stabilize in 75% of patients with recurrent or persistent estrogen receptor- (ER-) positive endometrial cancer. Results from this trial were shared by Panos Konstantinopolous, MD, PhD during a plenary session at the SGO 2022 Annual Meeting.
2022 GU ASCO Bladder Cancer Highlights Video

2022 GU ASCO Bladder Cancer Highlights

Bladder Cancer Highlights featuring Guru Sonpavde, MD
2022 GU ASCO Prostate Cancer Highlights Video

2022 GU ASCO Prostate Cancer Highlights

Prostate Cancer Highlights featuring Jacob Berchuck, MD and Chris Sweeney, MBBS
2022 GU ASCO Kidney Cancer Highlights Video

2022 GU ASCO Kidney Cancer Highlights

Kidney Cancer Highlights featuring Vincent Xu, MD and Toni Choueiri, MD
2022 ASCO GU Highlights Symposium

2022 ASCO GU Highlights

In the following videos, faculty from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute review highlights from the 2022 ASCO GU Symposium.
Researchers Identify Promising Drug Target in Pediatric Neuroblastoma News

Researchers Identify Promising Drug Target in Pediatric Neuroblastoma

Dana-Farber scientists have now teased apart the relationship between the proteins EP300 and CBP — to discover that EP300 is critical for a high-risk form of pediatric neuroblastoma.

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