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Updated Standardized Definitions for Efficacy End Points in Adjuvant Breast Cancer Clinical Trials Video

Updated Standardized Definitions for Efficacy End Points in Adjuvant Breast Cancer Clinical Trials

Sara Tolaney, MD, MPH discusses updated standardized definitions for efficacy endpoints in adjuvant breast cancer clinical trials: STEEP Version 2.0.
Study Pairs Two Forms of Immunotherapy in Patients with Advanced Kidney Cancer News

Study Pairs Two Forms of Immunotherapy in Patients with Advanced Kidney Cancer

T cells revved up to attack tumors are turned into an army of loiterers. Cells keenly attuned to signals of infection or disease fail to pick up the faint notes of cancer. A clinical trial led by Dana-Farber researchers is addressing both of these issues in patients who have undergone surgery for kidney cancer but have a high risk of recurrence.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Establishes the David Liposarcoma Research Initiative News

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Establishes the David Liposarcoma Research Initiative

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute announced that The Rossy Foundation has committed $10 million to establish the David Liposarcoma Research Initiative.
Study Reveals Factor That Determines ‘Fate’ of Cancer Cells When Tumor Suppressor Gene Function is Restored News

Study Reveals Factor That Determines ‘Fate’ of Cancer Cells When Tumor Suppressor Gene Function is Restored

Many cancers develop from cells that have a malfunctioning tumor suppressor gene, p53, which normally helps control unchecked cell growth and prevent cancer.
Cancer Screenings Rebounded in Late 2020 After COVID-related Decline, but Racial and Economic Disparities Remain for Some Tests News

Cancer Screenings Rebounded in Late 2020 After COVID-related Decline, but Racial and Economic Disparities Remain for Some Tests

The numbers of cancer screening tests rebounded sharply in the last quarter of 2020, following a dramatic decline in the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic, at one large hospital system in the Northeastern United States. These findings were released in a study published in Cancer Cell. The research also found an increase in racial and socioeconomic disparities among users of some screening tests during the pandemic.
New Research Uncovers How Cancers with Common Gene Mutation Develop Resistance to Targeted Drugs News

New Research Uncovers How Cancers with Common Gene Mutation Develop Resistance to Targeted Drugs

Multiple acquired resistance mechanisms discovered for cancers with KRASG12C mutation after treatment with KRASG12C inhibitors.
FDA Approval Insights: Idecabtagene Vicleucel for Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma Podcast

FDA Approval Insights: Idecabtagene Vicleucel for Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma

Dr. Munshi discusses the significance of the FDA approval of ide-cel in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma, data from the KarMMa trial, which served as the basis for the approval, and next steps for CAR T-cell therapy in the field.
Antibiotic Novobiocin Found to Kill Tumor Cells with DNA-Repair Glitch News

Antibiotic Novobiocin Found to Kill Tumor Cells with DNA-Repair Glitch

An antibiotic developed in the 1950s and largely supplanted by newer drugs, effectively targets and kills cancer cells with a common genetic defect, laboratory research by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute scientists shows.
Red Meat Consumption May Promote DNA Damage-associated Mutations in Patients with Colorectal Cancer News

Red Meat Consumption May Promote DNA Damage-associated Mutations in Patients with Colorectal Cancer

Genetic mutations indicative of DNA damage were associated with high red meat consumption and increased cancer-related mortality in patients with colorectal cancer, according to a study led by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute researchers and published in Cancer Discovery, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.
“45 is the New 50” as Age for Colorectal Cancer Screening is Lowered News

“45 is the New 50” as Age for Colorectal Cancer Screening is Lowered

Prompted by a recent alarming rise in cases of colorectal cancer in people younger than 50, an independent expert panel has recommended that individuals of average risk for the disease begin screening exams at 45 years of age instead of the traditional 50.
COVID-19 Vaccine Study in Cancer Patients Video

COVID-19 Vaccine Study in Cancer Patients

Dana-Farber researchers are leading a study that looks at the effects of the COVID-19 vaccine in cancer patients.
New ‘Druggable’ Genetic Targets Identified in Rare Type of Bile Duct Cancer News

New ‘Druggable’ Genetic Targets Identified in Rare Type of Bile Duct Cancer

Scientists are beginning to make inroads into treating cholangiocarcinoma, a rare, lethal cancer of the bile ducts, with precision drugs. Last year, the first targeted drug for some patients with the disease was approved.

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