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Allogenic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant a Viable Option for all Patients with High-Risk MDS News

Allogenic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant a Viable Option for all Patients with High-Risk MDS

Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Improves Outcome in MDS across High-Risk genetic subgroups: Genetic analysis of the BMT CTN 1102 study
Cell Therapy That Repairs Cornea Damage with Patient’s Own Stem Cells Achieves Positive Phase I Trial Results News

Cell Therapy That Repairs Cornea Damage with Patient’s Own Stem Cells Achieves Positive Phase I Trial Results

A team led by researchers from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Mass Eye and Ear, a member of Mass General Brigham, reports the results of a phase I trial of a revolutionary stem cell treatment called cultivated autologous limbal epithelial cell transplantation (CALEC), which was found to be safe and well-tolerated over the short term in four patients with significant chemical burns in one eye.
Study Shows Immunotherapy May Benefit a Subset of Patients with Penile Cancer News

Study Shows Immunotherapy May Benefit a Subset of Patients with Penile Cancer

Penile cancer is a rare disease with approximately 2070 new cases each year in the US.
Study Uncovers Epigenetic Source of Resistance to Targeted Therapy in EGFR-mutant Lung Cancer News

Study Uncovers Epigenetic Source of Resistance to Targeted Therapy in EGFR-mutant Lung Cancer

When lung cancers driven by mutations in the EGFR gene become resistant to osimertinib or other targeted therapies, epigenetic changes, rather than genetic changes, are often to blame.
AI-Driven Muscle Mass Assessment Could Improve Care for Head and Neck Cancer Patients News

AI-Driven Muscle Mass Assessment Could Improve Care for Head and Neck Cancer Patients

Researchers from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have found a way to use artificial intelligence (AI) to diagnose muscle wasting, called sarcopenia, in patients with head and neck cancer.
Dana-Farber AI-Model Predicts Primary Source of Cancer Using Gene Sequencing Data News

Dana-Farber AI-Model Predicts Primary Source of Cancer Using Gene Sequencing Data

Researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have created an AI-based tool that uses tumor gene sequencing data to predict the primary source of a patient’s cancer.
Dana-Farber Research Publication 8.15.2022 News

Dana-Farber Research Publication 8.15.2022

This twice-monthly newsletter highlights the research endeavors at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, noting recently published papers available from PubMed where Dana-Farber faculty are listed as first or senior authors.
Errant Cell Division Can Lead to Changes in Gene Activity, Study Finds News

Errant Cell Division Can Lead to Changes in Gene Activity, Study Finds

There are several ways to ruin a tune: play the wrong notes, play them at the wrong time, or with the wrong emphasis.
U.S. News & World Report Names Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center Among Nations’ Best for 2023-2024 News

U.S. News & World Report Names Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center Among Nations’ Best for 2023-2024

For the 23rd consecutive year, Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center has been recognized as a Best Hospital for cancer care by U.S. News & World Report.
Live Cell Imaging IDs Bad Actors in Cancer and Finds Possible Ways to Defeat Them News

Live Cell Imaging IDs Bad Actors in Cancer and Finds Possible Ways to Defeat Them

Most forms of chemotherapy are designed to kill cancer cells. But some cancer cells survive. Those that do can cause the cancer to relapse.
Origins of Glioma Brain Cancer Found to be in the Epigenome News

Origins of Glioma Brain Cancer Found to be in the Epigenome

While cancers often originate from mutations and other alterations of cells' DNA, researchers in the Bernstein Laboratory at Dana-Farber and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard have found that gliomas – incurable brain tumors – can arise due to changes in the epigenome, the collection of compounds that are deposited on DNA and alter gene activity without changing the sequence of DNA itself.
Prostate Cancer Disparities Drive Quest for Equity News

Prostate Cancer Disparities Drive Quest for Equity

Black men, particularly men of West African descent, are nearly twice as likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than Caucasian men, and three times more likely than Asian men.

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