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Dana-Farber Research Publication 10.01.2022 News

Dana-Farber Research Publication 10.01.2022

This twice-monthly newsletter highlights the research endeavors at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, noting recently published papers available from PubMed where Dana-Farber faculty are listed as first or senior authors.
Shorter Course of Radiation Therapy is Safe for Patients with Early-Stage Breast Cancer who Have Undergone Mastectomy and Reconstruction News

Shorter Course of Radiation Therapy is Safe for Patients with Early-Stage Breast Cancer who Have Undergone Mastectomy and Reconstruction

Cancer-related and physical outcomes were similar between longer and shorter regimens, but patients reported less burden on life and finances with shorter treatment regimen.
New Criteria to Assess Progression in Glioma Aims to Speed Discovery of New Medicines News

New Criteria to Assess Progression in Glioma Aims to Speed Discovery of New Medicines

In order to accurately assess the efficacy of novel therapies for brain tumors it is necessary to have reliable criteria to determine response or progression.
Study Provides New Look at why Rare Cancer Often Evades Treatments News

Study Provides New Look at why Rare Cancer Often Evades Treatments

Researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Boston Medical Center conducted one of the first-ever analyses of neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) at single cell resolution, unlocking new insights into this rare and often hard-to-treat cancer.
Deep Learning Reveals Valuable Clues About Kidney Cancer in Pathology Slides News

Deep Learning Reveals Valuable Clues About Kidney Cancer in Pathology Slides

A team of Dana-Farber researchers has identified a potential new way to assess clinically valuable features of clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC), a form of kidney cancer, using image processing with deep learning.
Dana-Farber Leads Adaptive, Efficient Multi-arm Phase 2 Clinical Trial for Glioblastoma News

Dana-Farber Leads Adaptive, Efficient Multi-arm Phase 2 Clinical Trial for Glioblastoma

An innovative phase 2 clinical trial led by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in collaboration with 10 major brain tumor centers around the country and designed to find new potential treatments for glioblastoma has reported initial results in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Dana-Farber Research Publication 09.15.2023 News

Dana-Farber Research Publication 09.15.2023

This twice-monthly newsletter highlights the research endeavors at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, noting recently published papers available from PubMed where Dana-Farber faculty are listed as first or senior authors.
Dana-Farber Research Publication 9.15.2022 News

Dana-Farber Research Publication 9.15.2022

This twice-monthly newsletter highlights the research endeavors at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, noting recently published papers available from PubMed where Dana-Farber faculty are listed as first or senior authors.
Dana-Farber Study Finds Up-front Chemotherapy Boost Could Benefit Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer News

Dana-Farber Study Finds Up-front Chemotherapy Boost Could Benefit Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

In a phase 3 global clinical trial called FLAURA2 led by researchers from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Institut Gustav Roussy in France, patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with an epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutation taking standard therapy plus chemotherapy had a median of nearly 9 months increase in progression free survival compared with patients taking standard therapy alone.
Dana-Farber Research Publication 9.1.2022 News

Dana-Farber Research Publication 9.1.2022

This twice-monthly newsletter highlights the research endeavors at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, noting recently published papers available from PubMed where Dana-Farber faculty are listed as first or senior authors.
Potent Oral Agent Acting as Immunotherapy and Targeted Treatment Produces High Response Rate in Certain Patients News

Potent Oral Agent Acting as Immunotherapy and Targeted Treatment Produces High Response Rate in Certain Patients

A new agent that subverts myeloma cells from within while also subjecting them to an immune system attack produced impressive responses in combination with dexamethasone in patients with multiple myeloma that had relapsed and stopped responding to all currently available therapies, a clinical trial conducted by researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and around the world has found.
Final Overall Study Analysis Continues to Show Benefit of Sacituzumab Govitecan in Advanced HR+ Breast Cancer News

Final Overall Study Analysis Continues to Show Benefit of Sacituzumab Govitecan in Advanced HR+ Breast Cancer

A novel antibody-drug conjugate continues to demonstrate superior benefit for patients with HR+, HER2- metastatic breast cancer when compared to standard chemotherapy, according to a new study in The Lancet.

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