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Study Links Key Activating Enzymes to Specific Sites on Proteins in Cells News

Study Links Key Activating Enzymes to Specific Sites on Proteins in Cells

Thousands of proteins in a human cell are regulated by phosphorylation -- the addition of small chemical groups to the proteins’ amino acids by enzymes called protein kinases.
More Than 120 Dana-Farber Affiliated Faculty Named as 2023 Top Doctors in Boston Magazine News

More Than 120 Dana-Farber Affiliated Faculty Named as 2023 Top Doctors in Boston Magazine

Boston magazine has named more than 120 physicians affiliated with Dana-Farber Cancer Institute to its annual "Top Doctors" guide.
Immunotherapy With Two Novel Drugs Shows Activity in Colorectal Cancer News

Immunotherapy With Two Novel Drugs Shows Activity in Colorectal Cancer

A combination of two next-generation immunotherapy drugs has shown promising clinical activity in treating patients with refractory metastatic colorectal cancer, a disease which has not previously responded well to immunotherapies, according to a Dana-Farber Cancer Institute researcher.
Molecular Tumor Board Provides Useful Assist in Cancer Precision Medicine News

Molecular Tumor Board Provides Useful Assist in Cancer Precision Medicine

The field of precision cancer medicine has become so complex that even experienced oncologists can find it challenging to decipher the results of molecular tests of tumor tissue and navigate treatment options for patients. At Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, a multi-disciplinary team has been assisting gastrointestinal cancer physicians – reviewing test results and offering timely recommendations on treatment options.
Study Finds Racial Inequities in Access to Opioids Among Older Patients With Cancer Near End of Life News

Study Finds Racial Inequities in Access to Opioids Among Older Patients With Cancer Near End of Life

Older Black and Hispanic patients with advanced cancer are less likely to receive opioid medications for pain relief in the last weeks of life than White patients, a new study led by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute investigators found.
Three-Drug Combination Therapy Effective in Patients with High-Risk CLL, Trial Shows News

Three-Drug Combination Therapy Effective in Patients with High-Risk CLL, Trial Shows

A three-drug combination that sent chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) into deep remissions in a broad group of patients in a clinical trial is highly effective in patients with high-risk forms of the disease, a new, phase 2 clinical trial led by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute investigators indicates.
New Receptor “Decoy” Drug Neutralizes COVID-19 Virus and Its Variants News

New Receptor “Decoy” Drug Neutralizes COVID-19 Virus and Its Variants

Scientists at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have developed a drug that potently neutralizes SARS-CoV-2, the COVID-19 coronavirus, and is equally effective against the Omicron variant and every other tested variant.
Research With a Worldwide Reach News

Research With a Worldwide Reach

Around the world, Dana-Farber's Susan F. Smith Center for Women's Cancers is known not just for its exceptional patient care, but also for the driving force its physician-scientists play in developing new paradigms of cancer treatment through pioneering research and clinical trials.
Paper Proposes New Community-Oriented Fellowship Training Model for Hematologists/Oncologists News

Paper Proposes New Community-Oriented Fellowship Training Model for Hematologists/Oncologists

As patients with cancer increasingly receive treatment in community hospitals and clinics and many such centers experience a shortage of oncologists, a group of physicians at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and Harvard Medical School has proposed the first-ever training blueprint for oncologists planning careers in a community or academic-community setting.
SABCS 2022: Sara Tolaney, MD, MPH Video

SABCS 2022: Sara Tolaney, MD, MPH

Updated data from the APT trial shows that after 10 years of follow-up, adjuvant paclitaxel and trastuzumab confirm excellent long-term outcomes for small, node-negative HER2-positive breast cancer.
SABCS 2022: Paolo Tarantino, MD Video

SABCS 2022: Paolo Tarantino, MD

ATEMPT study shows that 5 years after treatment, 97% of patient's w/stage 1 HER2+ breast cancer treated w/TDM1 were alive and free from invasive disease and 98.3% had no recurrence of their cancer.
SABCS 2022: Ann Partridge, MD, MPH Video

SABCS 2022: Ann Partridge, MD, MPH

Ann Partridge, MD, MPH, led the study presented at the 2022 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium which showed most women participating in the study went on to deliver healthy babies.

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