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Welcome Session | 2022-2023 EMBRACE MBC Virtual Forum Series Video

Welcome Session | 2022-2023 EMBRACE MBC Virtual Forum Series

Nancy Lin, MD; Sara Tolaney, MD, MPH; and patient advocate Lianne Kraemer discuss new developments and promising areas of research in metastatic breast cancer at Dana-Farber and beyond.
Research Update for HER2-Positive MBC | 2022-2023 EMBRACE MBC Virtual Forum Series Video

Research Update for HER2-Positive MBC | 2022-2023 EMBRACE MBC Virtual Forum Series

Philip Poorvu, MD; Adrienne Waks, MD; and Christine Agius, NP, discuss advances in research and treatment for patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer.
Research Update for ER-Positive MBC | 2022-2023 EMBRACE MBC Virtual Forum Series Video

Research Update for ER-Positive MBC | 2022-2023 EMBRACE MBC Virtual Forum Series

Filipa Lynce, MD; Nikhil Wagle, MD; and Lindsay Shaw, AOCNP, ACHPN, discuss advances in research and treatment for patients with ER-positive metastatic breast cancer.
Reflex Testing of OncotypeDX for Early Stage Breast Cancer Document

Reflex Testing of OncotypeDX for Early Stage Breast Cancer

The Breast Oncology Center held multidisciplinary meetings to discuss recommendations for updated criteria for reflex testing of OncotypeDX in patients with resected, hormone receptor positive, HER-2 negative, early breast cancer.
Best Practices for Rectal Cancer Video

Best Practices for Rectal Cancer

Dana-Farber’s Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer Center's Gut Instincts series continued on Monday, September 26 with an educational workshop on Best Practices for Rectal Cancer.
Advancing New Treatments for Uncommon Cancer Subtypes News

Advancing New Treatments for Uncommon Cancer Subtypes

The biology of rare cancers is poorly understood in part because the tumors are uncommon, which makes them challenging to study. Clinical trials examining rare cancers are difficult.
2022 ESMO Congress Research Highlights Symposium

2022 ESMO Congress Research Highlights

In the following videos, faculty from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute review research highlights from the ESMO Congress 2022 held in Paris, France, September 9-13, 2022.
For Older Patients with Blood Cancer Taking Multiple Medications, New Tool Links Use of Certain Medications to Risk of Frailty News

For Older Patients with Blood Cancer Taking Multiple Medications, New Tool Links Use of Certain Medications to Risk of Frailty

A new tool developed by researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Brigham and Women's Hospital outperforms conventional methods for predicting whether certain medications are likely to lead to frailty in older patients with blood cancers who are taking multiple medications, a study being published online today indicates.
In Memoriam: Arthur T. Skarin, MD, Physician-Scientist Instrumental in Building Dana-Farber’s Adult Oncology Program News

In Memoriam: Arthur T. Skarin, MD, Physician-Scientist Instrumental in Building Dana-Farber’s Adult Oncology Program

The Dana-Farber community mourns the passing of Arthur T. Skarin, MD, of Needham, Massachusetts.
Online Testing Tool Identifies People Likely to Benefit from Genetic Testing for Inherited Risk for Certain Cancers News

Online Testing Tool Identifies People Likely to Benefit from Genetic Testing for Inherited Risk for Certain Cancers

An online tool developed by researchers and physicians at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute can accurately and rapidly identify people who should undergo testing for inherited genetic changes that raise the risk of developing certain cancers, a new study shows.
Bispecific Antibodies Continue the Promise of Immunotherapy News

Bispecific Antibodies Continue the Promise of Immunotherapy

Until recently, when adults with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) weren't cured or put into prolonged remission by standard chemotherapy, "there really was no good treatment option," says Marlise Luskin, MD, MSCE, a leukemia specialist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
The Power of Plus: Combining Immunotherapy With Other Treatments is Showing Great Promise Against a Variety of Cancers News

The Power of Plus: Combining Immunotherapy With Other Treatments is Showing Great Promise Against a Variety of Cancers

Even heroes need partners. As researchers are discovering, immunotherapy — the avatar of a new approach to cancer treatment — often works better when paired with other types of therapy.

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