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Blood Cancer Research: Clinical Trial Helps Younger Patient Video

Blood Cancer Research: Clinical Trial Helps Younger Patient

A patient shares her journey getting diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in her 30's. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's Matthew Davids, MD, MMSc, enrolled her on a clinical trial and details the results of that study. The research is now getting presented at ASH21.
Inadequate SARS-COV-2 Vaccine Effectiveness in Patients with Multiple Myeloma: A Large Nationwide Veterans Affairs Study Video

Inadequate SARS-COV-2 Vaccine Effectiveness in Patients with Multiple Myeloma: A Large Nationwide Veterans Affairs Study

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's Nikhil C. Munshi, MD, details study looking at COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness in patients with multiple myeloma. Research presented at ASH21.
ASH 2021 Highlights - CME News

ASH 2021 Highlights - CME

Register for 2021 ASH Highlights CME
New Study Reveals Elevated Rates of Blood Cancer Precursor Condition in Groups at High Risk for Multiple Myeloma Video

New Study Reveals Elevated Rates of Blood Cancer Precursor Condition in Groups at High Risk for Multiple Myeloma

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute research shows elevated rates of a blood cancer precursor condition in groups at high risk for multiple myeloma.
Study of Fully Vaccinated Patients with Cancer who had Breakthrough COVID-19 Shows 13% Mortality Rate News

Study of Fully Vaccinated Patients with Cancer who had Breakthrough COVID-19 Shows 13% Mortality Rate

The first study to evaluate the clinical characteristics and outcomes of fully vaccinated patients with cancer who had breakthrough COVID-19 infections indicates they remained at high risk for hospitalization and death.
COVID-19 and Cancer: Breakthrough Infections Video

COVID-19 and Cancer: Breakthrough Infections

New study: Fully vaccinated patients with cancer who had breakthrough COVID-19 infections remained at high risk for hospitalization and death. Dana-Farber's Toni Choueiri, MD, highlights the research.
Blood Cancer Research: Clinical trial helps younger patient Video

Blood Cancer Research: Clinical trial helps younger patient

Dr. Matthew Davids presented a study that demonstrated the ibrutinib+FCR drug combination keeps chronic lymphocytic leukemia in young patients in remission for several years.
COVID-19 vaccine and blood cancer Video

COVID-19 vaccine and blood cancer

Dr. Nikhil Munshi and colleagues reported a study demonstrating that COVID-19 vaccination offers less protection for multiple myeloma patients, reinforcing the need for these patients to use additional precautions.
Blood Cancer: Higher rates of precursor in high-risk individuals Video

Blood Cancer: Higher rates of precursor in high-risk individuals

Dr. Irene Ghobrial and Dr. Habib El-Khoury shared the first results from the Promise study, which screens individuals at high risk for multiple myeloma.
FDA Approval Offers Hope For Prevention of Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease News

FDA Approval Offers Hope For Prevention of Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease

Based on a clinical trial led by Leslie S. Kean, MD, PhD, of Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center, the FDA has approved abatacept for the prevention of GVHD. This approval will allow many more patients to safely and effectively undergo stem cell transplants, particularly patients of diverse ethnicities who have more difficulty finding appropriately matched donors.
Drug Combination Found to Keep Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in Young Patients in Remission for Several Years News

Drug Combination Found to Keep Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in Young Patients in Remission for Several Years

A new study by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute researchers suggests that a 2.5-year regimen involving ibrutinib and chemoimmunotherapy can provide deep, and lasting remissions for patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).
Molecular Analysis Advances Risk Profiling and Assessment of Immunotherapy Response in Smoldering Myeloma News

Molecular Analysis Advances Risk Profiling and Assessment of Immunotherapy Response in Smoldering Myeloma

Molecular and genetic research by scientists at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute has advanced the categorization of different risk groups in patients with smoldering myeloma, a premalignant condition that can – but doesn’t always – progress to the blood cancer, multiple myeloma.

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