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American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting News

American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting

As leaders in blood and blood cancer research, physicians and scientists from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute shared advances and insights at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH) on December 11–14, 2021 in Atlanta, Georgia
New Study Reveals Elevated Rates of Blood Cancer Precursor Condition in Groups at High Risk for Multiple Myeloma News

New Study Reveals Elevated Rates of Blood Cancer Precursor Condition in Groups at High Risk for Multiple Myeloma

The first results from the largest screening study yet conducted in the United States of individuals at above-average risk for the blood cancer multiple myeloma have revealed higher rates of a myeloma precursor condition in older adults who are Black or who have a close family member with a current or past blood cancer.
Study Identifies Factors in Tumors’ Response to Natural Killer Cells News

Study Identifies Factors in Tumors’ Response to Natural Killer Cells

The immune cells known as natural killer (NK) cells are part of the body’s first line of defense against cancer. Many efforts are underway to harness NK cells as a form of cancer immunotherapy, but a critical question in the field remains: Why do some tumors tend to be sensitive to NK cells’ attacks while others are more resistant?
Adjuvant Palbociclib in HR+/HER2 Early Breast Cancer - Final results from PALLAS Trial Video

Adjuvant Palbociclib in HR+/HER2 Early Breast Cancer - Final results from PALLAS Trial

Dana-Farber's Erica Mayer, MD, MPH discusses the final analysis of the International Phase 3 PALLAS clinical trial presented at the 2021 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.
GS2-05 Update on the Combined TEXT and SOFT Trials Video

GS2-05 Update on the Combined TEXT and SOFT Trials

Dana-Farber's Meredith Regan, ScD presented an update on the SOFT/TEXT clinical trials at the 2021 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.
Dana-Farber Researchers Present Findings at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium News

Dana-Farber Researchers Present Findings at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium

Researchers from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute will present more than 30 research studies at the 44th annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium on December 7-10th.
Dana-Farber’s Judy Garber Is Recipient Of Brinker Award For Scientific Distinction News

Dana-Farber’s Judy Garber Is Recipient Of Brinker Award For Scientific Distinction

This year’s Brinker Award for Scientific Distinction in Clinical Research is being presented today to Judy Garber, M.D., M.P.H., Chief of the Division of Cancer Genetics and Prevention at Dana Farber Cancer Institute.
Tamoxifen May Boost PI3K Signaling to Increase Uterine Cancer Risk in Some Patients News

Tamoxifen May Boost PI3K Signaling to Increase Uterine Cancer Risk in Some Patients

Uterine cancers that developed in patients treated with tamoxifen had fewer PI3K pathway mutations and may have instead been driven by tamoxifen-induced PI3K pathway activation, according to results presented at the 2021 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.
Implantable Device Helps Predict Drug Therapy Efficacy News

Implantable Device Helps Predict Drug Therapy Efficacy

Dana-Farber investigators recently launched a trial of a miniature device that can be implanted into ovarian tumors to deliver microdoses of different drugs, with the goal of rapidly measuring their effectiveness in killing cancer cells.
ASH 2021 Featured Oral Presentations Document

ASH 2021 Featured Oral Presentations

The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH) will take place December 11-14th. To keep-up with latest advances, the live schedule of oral presentations by Dana-Farber faculty is attached for your convenience.
Targeted Drug Combination Shows Unprecedented Activity in Some Highly Aggressive Brain Tumors News

Targeted Drug Combination Shows Unprecedented Activity in Some Highly Aggressive Brain Tumors

Treatment with dabrafenib and trametinib yielded encouraging rate of durable responses in both high-grade and low-grade brain tumors carrying the rare BRAF v600E mutation. Study is first to show benefit of any targeted drugs in glioblastomas – the most aggressive brain tumor.
Discovery May Lead to Expanded Donor Pool for Stem Cell Transplants for Patients with Cancer News

Discovery May Lead to Expanded Donor Pool for Stem Cell Transplants for Patients with Cancer

Researchers find that in many cases people with a condition known as clonal hematopoiesis can safely serve as stem cell transplant donors.

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