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Dana-Farber Research Supports FDA Approval of Immunotherapy Drug Given After Surgery for Certain Patients with Kidney Cancer News

Dana-Farber Research Supports FDA Approval of Immunotherapy Drug Given After Surgery for Certain Patients with Kidney Cancer

Pembrolizumab is the first drug approved as adjuvant therapy for patients with kidney cancer considered at high risk of relapse.
Venetoclax Shown to Benefit Patients with Waldenström Macroglobulinemia, Including Some Who Relapsed After Previous Therapy News

Venetoclax Shown to Benefit Patients with Waldenström Macroglobulinemia, Including Some Who Relapsed After Previous Therapy

A drug that strips cancer cells of their quest for immortality represents an effective new option for patients with Waldenström macroglobulinemia, including those not helped by the only class of drugs currently approved to treat the disease, a clinical trial by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute investigators demonstrates.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Faculty Among World’s Most Highly Cited Researchers News

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Faculty Among World’s Most Highly Cited Researchers

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is proud to announce that 35 of its researchers have been named to the Highly Cited Researchers list of 2021 released today by the Institute for Scientific Information at Clarivate.
Papers Recount How Research Labs Learned to Work in Four-Part Harmony News

Papers Recount How Research Labs Learned to Work in Four-Part Harmony

A quartet of recent papers in the journal Clinical Cancer Research put the behind-the-scenes efforts involved in a major Moonshot project squarely on the record. The papers provide an inside look at some of the essential start-up activities of the Cancer Immune Monitoring and Analysis Centers and Cancer Immunologic Data Commons (CIMAC-CIDC), a network of laboratories and a bioinformatics center established to perform the analytic work involved in developing new immunotherapies for cancer.
Survival Similar for Younger and Older Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer, Study Finds News

Survival Similar for Younger and Older Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer, Study Finds

Even though young patients with metastatic colorectal cancer tend to be more fit and receive more intensive treatment than older patients, both groups survive for roughly the same amount of time, according to a new study by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute investigators.
Immunotherapy May Yield Longer Treatment-Free Survival than Targeted Therapy in Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma Patients News

Immunotherapy May Yield Longer Treatment-Free Survival than Targeted Therapy in Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma Patients

Analysis uses novel endpoint of treatment-free survival (TFS) to ‘better balance the efficacy and toxicity to patients’
Finding New Targets for Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Children News

Finding New Targets for Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Children

Looking for genes AML needs for everyday survival turned up two strong ‘hits’ to pursue for therapeutic development.
Rare Cancer: A Father's Journey with Medullary Kidney Cancer Video

Rare Cancer: A Father's Journey with Medullary Kidney Cancer

A father and Air Force recruiter details his journey at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute with medullary kidney cancer - a rare cancer disproportionately affecting African Americans.
Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center Launches New Program for Women with Earliest Form of Breast Cancer News

Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center Launches New Program for Women with Earliest Form of Breast Cancer

Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center is launching a new program designed to address the unique needs of women diagnosed with the earliest form of breast cancer. Nearly 60,000 women in the United States this year will be diagnosed with Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), a type of breast cancer in which cancerous cells grow but are confined within the milk duct of the breast. The new program will offer DCIS patients outstanding clinical care delivered by Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center experts and will be the only such program in Greater Boston offering patients access to clinical trials specific to DCIS.
Researchers Solve Mystery of Retinoic Acid’s Potency Against High-Risk Neuroblastoma News

Researchers Solve Mystery of Retinoic Acid’s Potency Against High-Risk Neuroblastoma

For decades, retinoic acid has been a key part of the arsenal against the childhood cancer neuroblastoma. For just as long, scientists have wondered exactly how it works.
Targeted Drug Shows Activity Against Brain Metastases in Kidney Cancer News

Targeted Drug Shows Activity Against Brain Metastases in Kidney Cancer

A targeted drug has shown promising activity against brain metastases resulting from kidney cancer, achieving a 50 percent response rate, and supporting further studies of the drug in this patient group whose poor prognosis has created a significant unmet need.
Unraveled Podcast Program


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